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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Happy 2009!

Best wishes to all, this rather belated greeting brings. To usher in the new year, I've taken the liberty of giving the website another complete makeover! The lace details really delight me to no end. Hope you guys like it as much as I do!

As for my status report, I'm returning to Melbourne on the 28th, so all pending orders will be carried out as fast as my abilities allow. Thank you everyone for your undulating patience in my very busy period of rest (what do you know... a paradox!).

Bead shopping has been very fruitful here in Singapore, BUT but but I forsee myself getting sucked right into school the minute I get back and assimilate into Life- so future releases might not be in a while. Rest assured I'll try as much as possible to come up with new things to keep myself sane though. Meanwhile, stay perky!